If you would like to order the songbook please, click on the picture or contact with mr. James Tackett: 512-785-9303 cell, James.tph@att.net, www.paperlesshymnal.com.
"Proclamation of His Ways"(in English):
Proclamation of His Ways is the first in a four-disc collection of Psalom's English-language recordings. Each album's artwork is one portion of a single picture, shown complete when the four cases are placed edge toedge. This creation of one complete image from four is reminiscent of the manner in which a wholly-developed concept of the Christ emerges through the combination of the identities of Jesus distinctly testified to by each Gospel: Man, King, High Priest, and God. Similarly, in these four discs—which explore the various states of the human spirit as we approach God with adoration, supplication, confession, and praise—we are striving to present each face of worship.
These songs have been written for use in congregational singing. Therefore, each disc is complemented with a songbook. It is our desire for these songs to benefit the Church through inclusion in the regular worship assembly.
The content of Prayer for His Will is based on Psalom's previous album Let your glory be over the earth.
All of the published songs are now listed with CCLI.
If you have a CCLI license - AND if you are in your CCLI reporting period, please, report making the copies. Please see CCLI registration numbers.